For our last adventure before school starts we went to Flaming Gorge. I have not been there since I learned how to water ski many many moons ago. It felt very weird staying on a lake without a boat. I feel my kids really did not get to experience the lake as I did when I was young. Having a boat is one of my favorite memories. Some day I hope to be able to do that for my kids.
FRIDAY: We left around 8:30 am. We got to Flaming Gorge around 1:00pm. We set up camp, which was a task with four kids. We managed to get it done though. It actually was a nice little home for the weekend. I was very impressed with JJ. He is Mr. Camper. He had all these great ideas, can start a fire really well, and can do a lot of other things. One of my favorite JJ moments is when he said "Oh, shoot! We should have brought a rope to tie to the trees, to hang up all of our wet things." That was impressive to me.

Once we were set up we headed down to the lake. Jeron took us to the spot where him and the scouts cliff jumped. I think Jeron soon discovered that this was not going to be like when he went with the scouts. Ellie started crying almost immediately. She was terrified and when I say terrified I am putting it mildly. I honestly thought she might have a heart attack in the water from fright. Elsie was feeding off of Ellie's fear. Once we got Ellie situated nicly on a rock she calmed down. That in turn helped Boo to calm as well. This is a view of what was so scary for Ellie.

Jeron, JJ, and Emma jumped off rocks while Ellie sat on the bottom rock, and Elsie and I floated in the water. Elsie was pretty hooked up. We inflated a raft and proped her on it like the Queen of Sheba. She laid there the whole time just watching everyone jump. After the kids and Jeron got their fill we headed back to the "sandy" part of the beach. We decided to swim instead of walk. We loaded all of the towell up onto the raft that Elsie was on. I pulled her, the towells, and the shoes. Emma pulled another float tube with the beach buckets. JJ just swam. Jeron and Ellie walked back because Ellie still wanted nothing to do with the water. Once we got back the kids all played on the beach.

What I didn't get in this picture is that Elsie is sitting in her own swimming pool.

Once we were done we headed back to camp. On our way we ran into Jeron's cousin and wife. Other members of our party were starting to arrive. The had their dog with them so the older kids headed back down to the lake. Jeron and I went and started getting ready for dinner. We ate hot dogs and yummy fruit. JJ got the fire going when he got back. By this time Jeron's Dad and step mom had arrived along with his brother and sister in law. After dinner everyone just sat around the camp fire and chatted. We were all pretty tired so we retired rather early. In the middle of the night Elsie decided to throw up. I started to have flashbacks of Seattle. She was pretty cranky at dinner. Now I know why.
SATURDAY: The next day we ate a yummy breakfast. After that we went down the Green River. We headed out around 11am. I had no idea what to expect. I hadn't done this in years. All I really remember is my cousin Calee falling in. :) With Elsie a bit sick and Ellie terrified of water I knew it would be an adventure. We packed lunches and had them waiting at the end of the river for us. I couldn't take my camera so we have a few off of Jeff and Tara's camera.
This pic is of John, Viki, Me, Jeron, Emma, JJ, Elsie, and Ellie.

We were having a pretty good time. Jeron was feeling rather tough because no one on his boat could push him in. I decided I had better just jump in before my sweet hubby decided to push me in. I was the first one in thank you very much. Well Emma saw me do it so she thought she could as well. She was so brave. She jumped in and shrieked "LET ME IN?" I don't think she was prepared for the cold that she was jumping into. She got over it and jumped in a couple more times. JJ would not get in. So finally Jeron asked JJ if he could see his ore. Then he threw JJ in. JJ screamed like a little girl. "Let me in, let me in..."He as almost in a panic. It was hilarious. We all had to tease him about is shrill. I think that JJ got so upset with us that he decided to jump ships. He sailed the rest of the way with the other raft bunch.

Toward the middle of the river Elsie started asking for juice. Oops. I packed lunch but did not realize just how long it is on the river. Her juice and Ellies juice were at the end of the river. A lot of good that did me now. I felt so bad for her. She was sick and needed some hydration. Good job Mom. We decided we had better hurry so we rode in the current the rest of the way down. We came to a pretty calm spot and Jeron was enjoying the beauty of his surroundings. I saw this a the P.E.R.F.E.C.T. opportunity to umh push him in. Oh yes! I pushed in my husband that could not be pushed in. I was so proud of myself for this heroic feet. He was harrassing everyone of us the whole way down. It was nice to have my day. Funny part about it, I now realize where his kids get their high pitched shrill from. Oh ya, my hubby cried like a little girl himself. "You can't get me in!" came out of his mouth more than once. Priceless.
After rafting we found a picnic table and ate lunch. Then we headed back to camp. John and Viki were nice enough to watch Ellie and Elsie while we went Cliff Jumping. All of us are terrified of heights. We all pushed ourselves and jumped though.
THis is a pic of Gifford(Jeron's cousin) jumping off of the highest one. Tara, Giff, and I were the only ones that did this one. Jeron, Jeff, and Danelle did not do this but jumped off one that was almost as high.

This is actually the rock we put Ellie on the first day so that she was okay with life again. I am standing here trying to get enough courage to jump off of the high one.

Danelle is in the front. That is the spot where she took pics of everyone. Most of the pics I have are from Jeff and Tara's camera in the water. In the background is Jeron, JJ, Emma, and Uncle Jeff.

After jumping we headed back to camp and ate pork taco's Viki's specialty. They were so Yummo! We all stuffed ourselves until our bellys popped. I was impressed that she went to all that work just for camping. It sure was good though.

Then we sat around another one of JJ's camp fires and played games. We started off with Mafia. I couldn't get anyone to play the werewolf version. Lame! It was fun. Some of the group got a bit intense so we moved on to Gestures. It was fun as well. Girls won of course. We roasted marshmallows and then played Golf. Ellie would not go to sleep so she sat by me while we played golf. She would catch all the moths that hit the lantern and throw them at me. UGH! I hate bugs. Then it was time for night night.
SUNDAY: When we awoke the next morning the wind was hauling. I hurried and grabbed all of our things and that couldn't get wet and threw them in the car. It rainded for only a coulpe of minutes but enough that I was glad that our things didn't get hit. We ate a yummy breakfast that Jeff and Tara made. Then we basically cleaned up camp. Jeron, Jeff, and JJ went fishing while the rest of us played cards in the camper.

Sweeping out the tent so that we could take it down.

Elsie and her dogs. She always has to have a dog with her.

Here is Elsie doing her scrunchy face.

I just love this shot.

It was a lot of fun to go up there. I don't think I would have wanted to stay much longer. With two little ones it was a chanllenge but it was a lot of fun.