Saturday, March 8, 2008

I nEed tO vEnt

So here is the deal. I am going on 4+ weeks on bedrest. I am having off and on contractions the whole time. Well today things feel weird. For those of you who don't know in my previous pregnancy I am at an 8 before I get to the hospital. I have CONTRACTIONS but nothing steady. If anything I have had more today then I did all three of my kids put together. They always have to brake my water. Things don't happen until this point. Then I usually have the bundle in about 20 mins. I push 2 times. So today I feel off, like something is different. All day long I have been playing that should I go in or not game. Well we decided we will just wait for my water to break and then drive fast. It is about 10:45pm and now I am having the contracions every five minutes. Seriously. I think there should be a way to know without all of the guessing. SO needless to say, I don't know if we are going or waiting. I am just sick of all of this. I need a hobby!


Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

If you feel like you need to go in - go in! You know best!

Mindy said...

What are you doing? Go in, at least you'll have an answer.

Jewels said...

You make it to an 8!! Holy cow, I am the loser who gets an epidural at a 2!! Keep us posted, how many weeks are you now?

Megs said...

Just so you all know about 1:30am things slowed down. We decided not to go. I am 35 weeks and hopefully I can just stay put at least until my next Dr. appt.

Abi said...

Okay I am glad that you are feeling better . . . or I mean that you figured out what to do! I HATE THAT GAME! Should I go in . . . should I stay? I hate it! That's why it's better to go in and have nothing wrong than to wait and have something you know!! HANG IN THERE! You are a champ!

Chelsea said...

I hope those crazy contractions stay away for the day...boring is good, right? Maybe you can get some rest. Take care!

larshannon said...

I played that game too long last time and had the baby in an ambulance!! Good luck.

Brittany said...

Yikes! So that was what 2 days ago? Have you had the baby yet? I know you said the contractions slowed down, but... I'm dying to hear!