Friday, April 4, 2008

Wow, this Mom thing is hard with four!

So this Mom of four is throwing me for a loop. I have always wanted six kids and now I am wondering if I am even cut out for four.I know that I will figure it out here hopefully sooner then later.
Yesterday morning I was extremely tired. We woke up late and Ellie was in a mood. After Ellie and I cried all morning we finally got the kids off to school. I came home and fell apart. I hate it when my kids have a bad morning because then I worry that they will have a bad day.
When we got home from taking them to school I laid on the couch with the baby and cried to Heavenly Father about how I can be a better Mom. I laid there holding my sweet Elsie when I realized that I needed to relax. Why in the world do I stress out so much about being on time to school, eating breakfast, keeping my house clean. I realized that i need to smile more, play more, and relax a lot more.
It has been so long since we just got the play dough out and messed around. I forgot about my floors, bathroom, beds and just did play dough with Ellie when she got home from school. (All the other stuff didn't get done because I was to busy crying when she was at school.)It was so nice to just play with her. We both needed that. I tried to relax more with my other kids also. The house just seemed to be calmer. I needed this.
I have my days when I am surprised that I still have any hair on my head. This Mom thing is not as easy as some may think. I love my kids but there are days when I could sell them to the lowest bidder. Those days I find are usually more because of myself and less because of them. Each new kid has presented me with a different challenge. I realize when I relax my attitude that usually the mean, crazy things that they do don't get to me as much. I think it is hard to think of your child as not perfect but once you can do that it helps. They are going to act out. This is normal. We as parents need to find the best solution to deal with that child. All four of my children have there own unique personalities. I have to figure out ways to be the best Mom I can be to that child.
I love being a Mom. There is nothing more challenging and nothing more rewarding then this great work that we are doing. I am so grateful that when I lay on my couch and cry that Heavenly Father hears me and helps me. I love my kids so very much and want to be the best Mom for them. Wish me luck.
To my friends who have more kids then me you amaze me. I watch you with you families and you make it look so easy. I actually have a lot of women around me that more or less kids then me amaze me. I have surrounded myself around women that are amazing Mothers. Thank you all for the things that you teach me. I need all of your help. You all have things that are unique to you that have influenced the Mother that I am.


Marj said...

Boy, do I know where you are coming from! Seriously, thank you for realizing this is a great blessing to be a mother even though it is rough a lot of the time. You are a great mother. I have always thought so. Keep up the good work. And by the way, don't you have 4 children with different personalities? Maybe I read it wrong, but hey, YOU DO!

Marj said...

PS I love you!

Jana said...

I am glad you realized you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You are a wonderful mother and one that I learn from constantly. I admire your honesty and your willingness to admit that things are hard. If we all could do that I think moms around the world would be a lot happier! I love you!

larshannon said...

You know the one thing that I have learned that really helps me? All those perfect moms out there have meltdowns too. It is so refreshing to have a meltdown even (or especially) when it leaves us with red puffy eyes, dirty houses covered in play dough, and new resolves! I'm sending you a I've-been-there-hug!

I love you and your family...

Chelsea said...

Megan, it makes me sad that you had a hard morning. I'm glad were able to work through it. I can't relate to the responsibility of caring for four children, but I definitely have days when I'm pulling my hair out. I just remind myself that I'm the only one who cares if the housework goes undone. And I've got my fingers crossed that I survive the terrible twos :)

brittanyc said...

Oh, Megan! You are most definitely the kind of mother I want to be! You seem like Wonder Woman, I kid you not. There are not many people who handle four children, including one very sweet, but also sometimes very difficult, down syndrome child. You have challenges some of us will never face. You seem to handle everything with such ease. Crying is fantastic, isn't it? Once it's out of your system don't you feel more ready to get out there and fix what needs fixing? I have been struggling with keeping my life balanced...the never ending house cleaning/playing with the kids battle. It's rough. I wish us both luck :)

Collings Family said...

I loved this post. I can relate to that in so so many ways. Your family pictures are amazing. Who is your photographer?

Hailey said...

I know exactly how you are feeling. I just had a HUGE melt down the other day about me not being better or me not getting enough done. I love how you put it. It's when we have our children in mind and cool off that we can change the dynamics of the day. Our children need us. THey don't need a clean floor or a perfectly clean house. They need a home that you can live in and make a mess in. They need to be loved by us. I love this post Megan. You are so great and amazing and I look at you and think how does she have it all together? You are an amazing mom and in a couple of months you will be back into your old routine + one more baby!! By the way your Easter pics are so cute and baby Elsie looks adorable!! I love swaddled babies!!

Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

You are doing a great job; you are too hard on yourself! Thanks for the message - I needed it. It is easy to get caught up in it all, so it was nice to take a moment to read your blog and enjoy! Thanks!

Mindy said...

Thank you Megan for being real. Sometimes on these blogs everyone just posts the happy times. EVERY MOTHER can relate to how you are feeling, no matter how many kids they have. Being a mom is hard work. I for one think you are doing great!! Keep up the good work.

Company EIGHT said...

This was a really, really great post, and I can SO relate on so many levels. I have also realized lately, that I just need to stop---stop and take time to do things with my kids (playdough, etc.) that I won't be able to do when they get older. I will have time to have a clean house, to get more projects done, and make even more phone calls. Thanks for the reminder. I can tell what a really great mom you are, and I know that you are just as a great influence on other mothers as they are to you.

emblair said...

Megan, you are AMAZING! Thanks for the great words of wisdom and love. I'm sure I'll be coming back to this post often when I'm having a bad thank you for that!

Weir Family said...

First congratulations!!!It is so good to hear someone else say that. I think everyone thinks that everyone else knows what they are doing and are better at being a mom than themselves, but really raising kids is hard! I know I need to remind myself about every minute to just enjoy this time because before I know it they'll be all grown up.